The Monsters
The Ooozin’ Ahhhs formed when former Transylvania Valley High School (Sovata, Romania) classmates met up at their 100th year class reunion. The sons and daughters of the famous monsters decided to relive their glory days by forming a top notch rock and roll outfit named after their high school mascot. They include Maximilian, Le Phantome; Mx. Supreme; Blue Eyes, the Vampire; Pepi III, the Mummy; Dr. Gustav Von Saxovitch, the Scientist; Bad Jeff Howlywood, the Werewolf; Boris “Johnny” Frankenstein, the Monster; and ⥀⥻⥉⦽⃕⟰⟴ , the Foreign Exchange Student.
Maximilian, Le Phantome
“Johnny” Frankenstein, the Monster
Boris “Johnny” Frankenstein was discovered living in an old barn that stored the school’s groundskeeping equipment. Rumors had been going around of a odd green-skinned creature lurking about the buildings housing Dr. Von Saxovitch’s laboratory and shop. Mysteriously, many of the hearses, dragulas, and other hot rods intended for class projects began to show restoration work. Upon questioning, Dr. Von Saxovitch claimed to have “adopted” this creation from one of his clones… em, *cough* predecessors. The board of directors allowed Johnny to stay at the school under the Doctor’s supervision and he found a number of kindred spirits pursuing his new interests in fast cars and loud music. Nowadays you can find Old Boris thumping his bass in a number of musical acts. Whether it be punk, surf, or mutant garage rock, this patchwork monstrosity is sure to bring the thunder!
Mx. Supreme
Very little is known about the fabulous Mx. Supreme. Rumored to be the long lost daughter of the Celtic white witch, this shapeshifting sorceress was a fixture on the school grounds. Some say she was there before the school was even built, researching magic on the ancient lay lines that give the campus its power. Others propose she sprang from the darkness itself… ah, but that’s a tale for another time. Whilst pursuing the arcane crafts, Mx. Supreme developed a passion for theatre and performing arts. This ultimately led to an appearance at an open audition and The Ooozin’ Ahhhs were quick to scoop up this talented witch. If you are reading this, it’s already too late! You are under her spell. You must go and see The Ooozin’ Ahhhs!
⥀⥻⥉⦽⃕⟰⟴ , the Foreign Exchange Student
Long ago, ICFOS and his alien buddies were out for the weekend enjoying their favorite hobby… human hunting. Being a species of pranksters, the aliens had a bit of fun at ICFOS’ expense and sabotaged his ship. He was forced to land on this rock and wait for one of his “friends” to return. Poor ICFOS had a serious problem. He was unable to communicate utilizing earth’s primitive methods, had a busted translator, and it was apparent that time passed very differently here than on his home world. His friends did return a few days later, but hundreds of years had passed on earth. ICFOS had found sanctuary and new monstrous friends at Transylvania Valley, as well as a love for that strange earth music. Currently, when he is not pounding the keys for The Ooozin’ Ahhhs, ICFOS can be found orbiting the earth, brainwashing… I mean, entertaining all with his funky alien beats.
Bad Jeff Howlywood
Mad Daddy by day, Werewülfen at Dark.
Dr. Gustav Von Saxovitch, the Scientist
Dr. Gustav Von Saxovitch came to Transylvania Valley looking for asylum. Apparently, cloning and reanimation of dead tissues is frowned upon in some circles. On the run and needing a place to establish his new laboratory, the school offered him a teaching position in shop and machining. A useful cover, teaching allowed the good doctor to rebuild and maintain his laboratory and creation with the help of his assistant, Eegor. Even today, eerie lights and strange mechanical sounds, along with the occasional scream, emanate from the outbuildings and storage sheds on the campus grounds. Gustav also added a new scientific achievement during his tenure… his Riboflavin Flavored, Non-Carbonated, Polyunsaturated Blood (for verification, just ask Ol Blue Eyes… If you dare!). And when his creation, Boris, joined The Ooozin’ Ahhhs, Gustav revealed that over the years, he had dabbled with the saxophone. Dabbled indeed… mad, I tell you, MAD horn playing skills. Check out his crazy stage antics at an Ooozin’ Ahhhs show near you!
Blue Eyes, the Vampire
Ol Blue Eyes… The Scourge of the Carpathians as the villagers called him. As the story goes, one day several of the soon to be Ooozin’ Ahhhs were off in the wooded foothills ditching school. They were suddenly assailed by a foul pointy fanged creature! After fending off the vampire’s attack, an uneasy truce was formed and our friends told him of the school, their band idea and, most importantly, Dr. Von Saxovitch’s Riboflavian flavored synthetic blood. Well, over the centuries Ol Blue Eyes developed a passion for live music and a love of the guitar. He agreed to check out the school and the rest is history. He became the school’s guidance counsellor and lead guitar for our intrepid endeavor. It would be unwise to not see him shred with The Ooozin’ Ahhhs!
Pepi III, the Mummy
You think these monsters could go 100 years without a little work? That’s where the mortician comes in. A little nip, nip here and snip, snip there, and these bags of bones are ready to rock and roll.
You may see her on stage doing a touch up, but you know what they say; “a mortician’s work is never done”!
Eegor, The Lab Assistant
Help in the lab, mix up some mysterious potions, feed Blue Eyes some blood, play a theremin, dig up bodies, bury bodies, Eegor does a little of everything!